Journeying Through the Best Bars Around the World

Every city has its heartbeat, and often, that pulse can be felt strongest in its bars. These establishments, ranging from intimate speakeasies to grand taverns, tell tales of cultures, histories, and the evolution of tastes. Join us as we embark on an enlightening journey, raising a toast to some of the world’s most outstanding bars.

Historical Haunts: Bars With Timeless Tales

Stepping into some bars is akin to time travel. These establishments, often centuries old, have witnessed history unfold.

The White Horse Tavern in Newport, Rhode Island, for instance, dates back to the 17th century. Its worn wooden beams and roaring fireplaces speak of colonial tales and whispered secrets.

Across the Atlantic, Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese in London stands as a testament to the city’s resilient spirit, having been rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666. Its patrons once included literary giants like Charles Dickens and Samuel Johnson.

Such bars offer not just drinks, but a sip of the past, a tangible connection to the tales of yore.

Modern Marvels: Pioneers of Mixology

Contemporary bars around the world are breaking boundaries, fusing tradition with avant-garde techniques.

Take The Aviary in Chicago, for example. Here, drinks undergo transformations in vacuum pots and rotary evaporators, resulting in concoctions that surprise and delight.

Meanwhile, Tokyo’s Bar High Five offers a bespoke experience. Eschewing a fixed menu, the bartenders craft drinks based on personal interactions, ensuring each cocktail is as unique as the individual receiving it.

Thematic Thrills: Bars with Unique Concepts

Some bars captivate through distinct themes. The Clinic in Singapore, inspired by medicine and hospitals, serves drinks in syringes and IV drips, with patrons seated in wheelchairs or hospital beds.

In Berlin, Madame Claude presents an upside-down world. Here, furniture clings to the ceiling, and everyday perception is delightfully skewed.

These thematic bars provide not just beverages but a full-fledged immersive experience, transporting patrons to alternate realities.

Epic Environments: Bars with Breathtaking Views

Location can elevate a bar from great to unforgettable. Imagine sipping a martini atop Ozone, located on the 118th floor of Hong Kong’s Ritz-Carlton, with the sprawling cityscape below.

Or consider Sky Bar in Bangkok. Poised on a precipice, this bar offers panoramic views of the meandering Chao Phraya River and the city’s glittering skyline.

Such bars combine top-notch drinks with visuals that feed the soul, making every visit memorable.

Local Gems: Bars that Capture Regional Essence

Every region has bars that, while not globally famous, are cherished locally. Be it a tavern in Greece serving traditional Ouzo against a backdrop of the setting Aegean sun or a quaint pub in Ireland echoing with folk music and laughter, these establishments encapsulate the local spirit.

Such bars, often off the beaten track, offer authentic experiences, allowing patrons to truly absorb the essence of a place.


The world of bars is as diverse as it is expansive. From establishments that resonate with history to those pushing the boundaries of innovation, each offers a unique narrative. While it’s impossible to encompass the vast array of global bars in one article, we hope this glimpse stirs wanderlust and curiosity in equal measure. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a local explorer, there’s always a new bar story waiting to unfold. Cheers to endless discoveries and the shared joy of good drinks!